Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Feature on homeworking and co-working on Radio Teesdale

Listen to this short Radio Teesdale feature on homeworking and co-working including interviews with Jayne Graham, Space on Tap, Ruxana Mahdi of Barter Angels and Gary Hosey, one of our co-workers at The Morritt Arms, Greta Bridge in March.


Monday, 11 April 2011

Networks recommended by our co-workers at the Quadrus Centre Boldon

A successful Colleagues on Tap co-working day at the Quadrus Centre in Boldon, South Tyneside, last week provided us another opportunity to chat about networks we're collectively involved in, and that have borne fruit by way of new contacts.

We promised to share the group's recommendations, as follows:

MUSSEL CLUB: http://www.themusselclub.com/  The Mussel Club has formed groups across the region, meeting in local restaurants.  Format includes a key note speaker and networking before and during dinner.  Its new website includes the ability to connect with other members plus a net meeting facility so members can hold their own webinars free of charge.


NEWCASTLE BUSINESS MUMS: http://newcastlebusinessmums.co.uk/  Tends to meet every couple of months during the evening around the Newcastle area.  Again features speakers on a whole range of business issues. Very relaxed and informal - a great introduction to networking for business mums who're a bit out of practice!

MUMS BUSINESS CLUB NORTH EAST: http://mumsbusinessclub.com/ Daytime meetings in various locations across the region.  Children are welcome, making this a great way to combine childcare with business networking for women who find it difficult to attend traditional networking events.

NETWORKING ANGELSlorraine@networknorth.org.uk Another women-only event that meets weekly at 9.30 am every Friday on a rotational basis around the region, including Morpeth, Newcastle, Durham and Darlington.  Speed networking format provides a great opportunity to meet several new contacts during the session.  


Please comment below to add your own thoughts to this list - the more the merrier!